Hey All!!
I am here in Moldova getting ready to head to bed before church tomorrow. We are going to enjoy our last day here and leave on a plane at 2am tomorrow night. I just wanted to give yall a quick update on the amazing things that the Lord has done while we have been here this week.
The camp went extremely well for us. We had more and more kids show up each day to play sports and see us act completely ridiculous in American Club. I have been completely amazed by the ways the Lord has used me this week. My first experiences in evangelizing have blown me away. I was so nervous about it being that I have never done it before. God definitely has shown me that he is capable of using anyone for his purpose, even if you are unprepared or unskilled. Thru the help of the wonderful translators here in Moldova, I learned how to transition from sharing food to sharing spiritual food to the elderly here. We visited the poor elderly residents in the nearby apartments and used the opportunity to share Christ. After a couple of visits to the apartments, I was blessed to experience sharing my testimony and the Gospel with a lady in her home, and she asked me to lead her in a prayer to receive Christ. I can not express how moving it is to see a sister in Christ joining our family.
As for the work that God has done with the youth here, I don't know that I can express what wonders he has accomplished. I have developed so many wonderful friendships, and I am surprised and amazed at how much I have connected to the teens here. As some of you know, I spent some time creating a little photo album of family pictures. I thought that this book would be more for me remembering home than anything, but God had other plans. This book ended up being a tool for me to share my life and testimony to the teenagers. God has blessed me with a way to really connect with some of these kids... a lot of it was thru them laughing at my crazy silliness... rofl. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and playing badmittion and volleyball.
After our last American Club day, we had a chance to share more with the teenagers in small groups. The Lord laid it on my heart to share my testimony at this time, and it was awesome to see their interest light up and ask questions about Christ. Two of the teens over the next two days sought a private conversation to ask me more about my faith, Christ and what it is to be a Christian. I feel so undeserving and extremely blessed to have developed a closer relationship with these two kids. Thru our talks, these two amazing young individuals went from curious to excited about Christ... and they asked Jesus into their heart. There are not words to express the amount of love and spirit God surrounded us in these conversations. I don't think that these paragraphs can even begin to cover the amazing things God has done while I have been here, but I hope it at least gives you an idea of how much the Spirit is moving here in Moldova. Thanks again for your prayers and I will see you back in the States soon!! :o)