Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today marks the 47th anniversary of my Grandpa, Frank Royce's death. I drove out to the Ft. Sam National Cemetery this morning to pay my respects to a man who died to protect our country. It was moving to see so many people who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. I am honored to be the granddaughter, daughter, sister and niece of brave men who were and are willing to put their lives on the line for this country. May God Bless our soldiers.

Friday, May 22, 2009

My how time flies...

Well, its been another month and still no foundation... I went by again this afternoon to see the start of the house, and they told me "maybe next week". I am going to be so excited when construction finally starts.

I made it through my first tax season at the new job, and I am going to have to say its 100% improvement from a public firm. My thyroid is so close to being corrected. Slowly but surely I am returning back to normal. My hair is starting to grow back, I have more energy, and 15 of the 20lb weight gain is totally gone!

After the 15th, I got the privilege of spending time with the Hanschens in San Diego. You should check out Mandy's blog for more of a description and pictures cause she is way more on top of things. We had a blast doing so much stuff, but my favorite three events had to be Chuck-E-Cheese, La Jolla and the dog park. We also took a couple train rides... so fun!

I will post again once the construction starts... keep me in your prayers cause I am starting to get irritated. :o)

Here is a video of La Jolla:

Here are some photos from my trip: